man and girl

Our approach to a better, sustainable future includes setting and accomplishing our goals as a team. We will continuously drive improvement towards our targets each year, aligning around the standards and initiatives that will fuel our future growth.

Our sustainability efforts are focused on five areas that we believe are most impactful and where we can make a difference.

Climate Change & Environmental Impact

Innovation & Business Practices

Sustainable Procurement

Safe Operations

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Climate Change & Environmental Impact

Our sustainability efforts are focused on addressing global environmental challenges.

Innovation & Business Practices

Our sustainability efforts are focused on addressing global environmental challenges.

Sustainable Procurement

Environmental and corporate social responsibility are key pillars to the culture and operations of not only our business, but also our entire value chain.

Safe Operations

Our primary focus is ensuring our employees and contractors return home safely at the end of each work day and that our operations do not harm the environment or communities in which we operate.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At SI Group, we ignite impossible through an inclusive workplace.

We set targets that can be influenced in the near and medium term. Together, we will continuously drive improvement towards our targets each year, aligning around the standards and initiatives that will fuel our future growth. By 2030 we aim to:


Reduction of Carbon Emissions Intensity

> 95%

Percent of direct spend covered with sustainability evaluations 


Reduction in waste intensity through process efficiency and beneficial reuse


Percent of women in management positions


Reduction targets for two sites within high water-stressed areas Introduce sustainable water management by water metering at all sites

Recent Highlights

Inaugural Corporate ESG Report

Collected baseline measurements for key metrics
Set targets to improve our sustainability and corporate social responsibility

EcoVadis Gold Rating

Rated in the top 5% of over 50,000 companies assessed
Improved score from previous silver rating

Climate Change & Environmental Impact

Reduced our GHG intensity by more than 5% from 2020 to 2021
Received Energy Leadership Award from TXU Energy for demonstrating excellence in managing electricity consumption

Employer of Choice: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Launched DEI Council to establish roadmap and action plan, including global DEI training
Conducted VOICE employee engagement survey with 79% participationy

Commitment to Safe Operations

Upheld ISO 14001 and ACC Responsible Care standards- Launched Perfect Day initiative to enhance focus on safety

Sustainable Procurement & Business Practices

Launched new brand for plastics recycling, EVERCYCLE™ additive solutions for mechanical plastics recycling- Published our first Supplier Code of Conduct

Our approach to a better, sustainable future includes setting and accomplishing our goals as a team. We will continuously drive improvement towards our targets each year, aligning around the standards and initiatives that will fuel our future growth.

Michael B. Farnell Jr.

Product Stewardship

Our commitment to operational excellence extends beyond our manufacturing operations to our environmental policy. We continually seek to reduce our environmental footprint while striving to achieve a "balanced plant" - one where we completely convert all incoming raw materials to saleable products with the minimization of waste and by-product formation.

Chemical products provide many benefits to society, but they must be managed responsibly throughout their lifecycles to minimize any adverse effects. At SI Group, we work hard to ensure that our products are manufactured, stored, transported, used, disposed of, and recycled to safeguard the health and safety of the environment.

cover of 2022 environment report document

Owning Our Actions

At SI Group, our transformative focus on sustainability will enable our future success as the global performance additives powerhouse. Together, we own our actions; it is a choice we make to lead with integrity, take accountability, and provide solutions that make a difference for both the company and our global communities. Together, we will continuously drive improvement towards our targets each year, aligning around the standards and initiatives that will fuel our future growth